Tuesday, July 9, 2013

From "Hot List" to "Not List" With Your Fancy Agency

So you sign with a swanky top 5 Hollywood Agency. Wow! The moment we've all been waiting for. Suddenly you're having "hot" conversations about your "hot" projects, yes plural "hot" projects, the same projects that couldn't see the light of day 3 months ago, 3 days ago, even 3 minutes ago,  no one cared about
your cool show, script, movie,  but you still believed it was an amazing idea, right? Right? It's really good right?  And your pitching out there to production companies and networks and you get a couple  "It's already been dones!" [sic] and a few  "Do you have another spin on that idea?" and you're like "Someone else has a show about lesbian twin whales in The Arctic? Really?"  And you pound the pavement and when I say pound the pavement you get instantly depressed, and decide that it's time to work on that book you've been wanting to write, because - self-publishing is really awesome! Not!

By a stroke of luck, your one non-jealous friend pitches you to their "hot" agency and that "hot" agent signs you. So now you're "hot."  You start wearing "hot" clothes, you drive around  in a "hot" way, your agent even calls you on his "hot" cell phone, just wanting to chat about "the pitch" and life is amazing!  The world took a 180 turn from shite to flight! For 3 "hot" seconds!  Suddenly a week then... two weeks go by, and your hot agent, decides that he did all that he can do and that no one is interested, and "hit me up when have 10 new projects"  and you're like, "Let's have lunch, or coffee and talk about this! Surely everyone didn't pass?" And then he doesn't respond to that email. And then you have the horrible realization that you went from the "hot" list to the "not" list. Because your agent probably talked to about 5 people about your 10 projects and one ass-hole in development said, "I think we already passed on that" and then you've been demoted to what I like to call the agent ice age.

It's so crappy.  But just remember, you might be feeling cold, and maybe you got frost bight  on your nose and finger tips, but the only one who decides if your projects are hot are you.   So don't be fooled by the rocks that I got... I'm still Jenny from the block, and so is your agent.  He's just some dude after all that doesn't want to lose his job.

Love Camille  Solari

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